La Pocha Nostra greatly appreciates donations in any amount you are able to give.
Your support makes it possible for our 30+ year small and mighty arts organization & collective of working artists to continue crossing radical borders, develop and present our work, connect with audiences and persist into the future. Your financial support is all the more welcomed during these uncertain times.
La Pocha Nostra is a 501c-3 non-profit organization (EIN #94-3371729)
By check:
Please write the payee as: La Pocha Nostra
Mail to: La Pocha Nostra
3435 Cesar Chavez Street #330
San Francisco, CA 94110
Please stay tuned in early 2025 for new individual donor category soon to be launched.
Hosting projects and programs is also a welcomed way to support La Pocha Nostra. Contact us to discuss the possibilities.
For exclusive viewing of photo/video/diary entries and advanced information about performances, workshops films, publications and special projects please join Gómez-Peña on Patreon at: